Tuesday 23 March 2010

Madingley Toad Rescue

Had an absolutely brilliant night in Madingley yesterday. Whilst it not be everyone's cup of tea, rescuing toads from the verges and transporting them in comfort (or in buckets, as the case was) to the lake across the road proved to be a most satisfying project. We saved about thirty toads, both tiny males chirping crossly, and the larger females who are expected to carry their mate on their back down to the water.

In true journalist style we were told that had we been there just two nights earlier we'd have seen the pub car park bursting with around 400 lusty amphibians. Still, I was just as happy with thirty.

Friday 12 March 2010


My April column will focus on the kestrel, but to get you warmed up, here's a quiz I've made: http://www.gotoquiz.com/kestrel_true_or_false_quiz

Wednesday 24 February 2010

lost heron

Can't believe how fast this year is going.... and that I haven't seen the heron across the river in weeks. I'm not sure whether all the rowers have spooked him, but the view is strangely empty without him there.

In other wildlife news I saw a watervole having a paddle in the rain last sunday, in the brook near the Botanical Gardens.

Also, please vote for my blog here and I win cereal! Dorset Cereals little awards

Monday 11 January 2010


The more I learn about birds, the more I begin to see them. I was utterly buoyed up by a blurry sighting of a redwing across the river...and yet on my way to Tescos yesterday I found an entire flock gorging themselves on rowan berries, about a metre away from the footpath. Everyone else seemed oblivious, but I stood a while, enjoying their expressive 'eyebrows' and the scarlet flashes of armpit (wingpit?)